Friday, November 7, 2008

Create Closed SEO Cartel

Create Closed SEO Cartel

In experimental SEO labs, others are toying with the hypothesis that if you do not have a massive enough single body to create a black hole, you can try to create one with a network of tier 2 or 3 trust sites. Similar to the single black hole site, these tiny blacklets only link to other sites within their network. As these experiments are still in their crudest forms, they can still be identified in many cases by their identical footer links.

Most of these networks are currently created either by link selling / trading arrangements or are owned entirely by one or two firms. But as they evolve, look for all off network linking to be no-follow. Look for tighter agreements to create massive conglomerates. We see blog networks grasping at the edges of this idea, but they’re clearly not there yet.

Take page rank sculpting to the next level. Make it page rank sculpting across a closed network. Create a Link Juice Cartel with a dozen or a hundred trusted sties. Don’t external link to anything without a no-follow. Try to make all links be on site or on network.

But a word of caution, don’t be flagrant about your SEO ambitions with any of the above strategies. If you call it SEO, brag about it, and it works, Google going to penalize or try to make an example of you. Google doesn’t like to be gamed . . . and they really don’t like it when you brag about it. Use other language and tiptoe around what you are doing like a politician.

When you do any of the above and they work, remember the latest and greatest strategy in SEO is to just STFU about specifics and let the money roll in.


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