Always use absolute interlinking of the website instead of relative interlinking. Absolute interlinking is better and push your site up in search engine ranking.
What is absolute interlinking: All the links with full website url address is known as absolute interlinking for example if you have an website then will be an example of absolute linking.
What is relative interlinking: as per the above example if you use “contact.html” only then it will be called relative interlinking. Always use “www” prefix before your domain name, like
Absolute linking:
Relative Linking:
Importance of Absolute interlinking or linking: if you link your website with absolute linking then search engine will consider that page only if you use both like “www” and without www then search engine will got confused and your ranking may suddenly down in search engine.
Second thing if you link your website as without www to other site or web directory then, back link will not be counted in With WWW Domain. It means loss of page rank and ranking. Your web page rank will be divided in two parts, one with “www” and other is without www.
How to solve the problem in Google: If you have mistakenly liked your website as without www prefix with some website or directories than Google has offer a webmaster tool that is preferred domain. What you need to do, just make your Gmail account, login in Google webmaster tool account and add your website sitemap in that. Google will show you two option one with with www and second is without www. Chose with www domain name option and submit.
How to add sitemap: Google has provided inbuilt tool for sitemaps. Just go for XML site map and put your website url, it will take few second to make your website xml sitemap. Just copy and paste it in your root directory and add it on Google webmaster tool also.
How to optimize a site, basically there are two types of optimization techniques on is on page and other is off page optimization. On page search engine optimization techniques is simple and very easy as you have total control over that but if we talk about off page seo then it seems to be some tricky and hard as compare to on page.
Lets we talk about on page seo tips and tricks, on page optimization includes keyword research, keyword frequency and keyword density, website title and its description, your site should be as per w3c, use off effective and well formed meta tags, use of absolute and relative interlinking, page size, images size, alt tag, use of flash etc are some important factors in on page optimization.
Absolute link and Relative Link
An absolute link defines a specific location of the Web file or document including: the protocol to use to get the document, the server to get it from, the directory it is located in, and the name of the document itself. Below is an example of an absolute link:
<#a href="">
With a relative link, the search engine spiders and browsers already know where the current document is located. Thus, if you link to another document in the same directory, you will not need to write out the full URL. Only the file name is necessary. Below is an example of a relative link:
<#a href="pagename.html">
Seo Updates
I am not sure what the prefix www has to do with seo.Will you please tell me in detail.
Blogging guide
Hi Sandeep,
Now you can read the lines and you come to know.
Both are part of site link structure and help to push site on search engines.
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