Google dance started PR updates
All the web masters and SEO knows it very well Google PR Updates held after 3-6 months and we know it very well that last Google PR updates in January 2008. But I have a question mark on it. Because for my Blog Search engine updates After Google PR updates in January 2008 it is 0.But when today I log into my system it shows PR 3 For it.
We know it very well that Google is serving various Types of updates for PR Like wise:
TBPR Export
GDPR Export
BL Export
Algo Update
TB Program Version Change
Regarding PR updates more related information read Page Rank Export Table Definitions
And now come to the topic again it seem to be very difficult to identify that that which export table is using by Google this time. Now the question is that can anybody tell that which table has been used last time and now which table is using by Google for updates in PR.
However it might be possible that Google dance again started but it’s for ranking not for PR. Here my motive for discussion regarding Google dance is that after each PR updates Possibility of Google dance increases. So now we have to ready for the Google dance again if it will be the PR updates or might be Page Rank Export .
After researching on internet I come to know that if any webmaster wants that Google show sites links for his sites then He/She has to be something remember in mind that whenever visitor visit on site he has only less number of option to browse the site means only few number of categories available there because it increase the traffic on some specific categories and Google can pick the categories easily and trace that these are the most used by the Visitors/User.
I hope this information is useful for every webmaster/SEO/Link builders. Might be possible I am not very clear on some topics so please give me your views on blog. So that the discussion carry on until we (webmaster/SEO/Link builders ) got the right and reasonable answers.
It seems unlike Google to issue two page rank updates within 3 months but there has been chatter that the next update is in progress. If you check your Page Rank using Dig Page Rank then you can see the data centers are being updated.
Before you get carried up in the hustle and bustle of all the forum posts and blog posts - remember a few key points about Page Rank:
1. Page rank does not determine traffic
2. Page Rank does not determine SERPS
3. Page Rank updates all the time, it just takes time for the green bar to update on toolbars
4. Linking for PR is against Google’s rules and not the right mentality
Seo UpdatesPage Rank is a numeric value that represents “how important a page is on the web”. Page Rank is Google’s way of deciding importance of the page. It matters because it is one of the factors that determines ranking of a page in the search results. Page Rank is a link analysis algorithm which assigns a numerical measuring to each element of a hyperlinked set of documents, for the purpose of “measuring” its relavant importance within the set. The page rank of any web site depends on some factors. The factors are following:
1. Inbound links of the Page.
2. Outbound links of the page
3. Relavent Links
4. Link Structure of the web Page
5. Age of the website
6. Relavancy of internal pages
7. Anchor text which is used for link Building
8. High PR Link Exchange
and many more….
The Google Toolbar’s displays a green bar which displays a visited page’s PageRank as a whole number between 0 and 10. If any website or web page have 0 pr that means it does not have 0 pr besides it may be 0 to 0.99 but if it shows only round figures of the whole numbers. The Toolbar PageRank is republished about once every three months. Google has not disclosed the precise method for determining a Toolbar PageRank value. So last update of Google toolbar PR Update have come in last week of september and first week of october. Now we are waiting for Next PR Update. I think next PR update will come in...Hey it,s Started Now........
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