1) Co-citation If your Link fall in the right category (or right linking neighborhood) then you have a good co-citation and if not then it is said to be a bad co-citation.
Confused? Let me explain about co-citation in SEO language.
Let's think you have Search Engine Optimisation Company and you are looking for quality back links from the relevant websites. Lets say you got a link on a page where your link looks like this:
1) Search engine Optimisation Company 2) Shoes company 3) Gifts company 4) Gift vouchers 5) Woodland shoes 6) Experience gifts
The most popular search engines continually making innovation in their algorithms to prevent the spamming or using any BLACK HAT SEO Techniques.
The search engines crawlers might relate your website theme with other websites links available on the same page. The back links / link partners should be linked with the relevant and themed website. Linking anywhere with any website invite to a trouble and it might cause a penalties from the major search engines.
Good Co-citation If you have a search engine optimisation (SEO) web site, then your possible niche could be websites related to search engine optimisation. So, if you link to search engine optimisation related websites, and then your co-citation would be falling in the search engine optimisation (seo) category. This is good co-citation (means linking to good neighborhood, which is search engine optimisation (seo) in this case).
Bad Co-citation Bad co-citation occurs when your website falls in search engine optimisation (seo) category and you link to gift category or any other irrelevant category - which affect your search engine rankings. 2) Canonical URL Google calls Canonicalization as the process for picking the best URL when there are many alternatives. Have a glance at domain URLs mentioned below www.example.com example.com/ www.example.com/index.html example.com/home.asp Most of the people would think that these are the same URLs but all URLs are completely unique and different. A web server could return completely different content for all the URLs above Let me Explain Canonical URL in More Details A Common SEO mistake made by many webmasters is that they are not consistent in cross linking across the entire website.
If some of your links go to the URL http://example.com, and the rest go to http://www.example.com/, your link popularity gets divided among these two URLs - thus affecting the page rank as well as the rankings for that URL. So, it is better to pick the URL that you want and use it consistently across your entire website, as well as for your incoming links. One cannot, however, control how other sites would link to their website. It is better to use one type of URL not to confuse the search engines crawlers and making the most of search engine optimization. Suppose you want your default URL to be http://www.example.com/. You can make your web server so that if someone requests http://example.com/, it does a 301 (permanent) redirect to http://www.example.com/. That helps Google know which URL you prefer to be canonical. Adding a 301 redirect is recommended if your website changes often (e.g. dynamic content, a blog, etc.).SEO experts are proactive and keep themselves up to date with the SEO techniques and Search Engine Algorithms. Our SEO experts work on latest and ethical Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) techniques to produce quality and great results to its clients.
Seo Updates
such good article.
Great tips vishal...Google citation for bad links is rather one of the most penalizing criteria than any other black hat practice.
i think good tips u share..I am a SEO Expert keep on...i back soon...
can u ans me this questions..
1. What’s the difference between Page Rank and Tool Bar Page Rank?
2. Why might you want to use no-follow on an internal link?
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